Intelligent Automation: The key to innovation and business success in the digital age.

Intelligent Automation

Smart Automation technology continues to revolutionize the IT industry. With its implementation it is possible to optimize processes, reduce costs and increase efficiency, as well as improve the quality of products and services, scale operations and improve business decision making.

In Anida we have this important line of business, which provides great satisfaction to our customers. The innovative technological solutions that we develop in all the markets in which we operate, distributed among Peru, Colombia, the United States and Chile, and consumed in more than 12 countries, guarantee an improvement in the performance of our clients' businesses through intelligent automation, based on two fundamental pillars: Integrations and RPA (Robotic Process Automation).

Integration translates into the programming of interaction with different applications through Backend Dev, including API RES, Virtual User, SQL, Web scraping and Web Services. And RPA consists of the emulation of basic manual tasks performed by a collaborator in front/backoffice environments.

Through the highly trained and certified work of Anida's more than 200 employees, Smart Automation is most commonly implemented in the Finance, Human Resources (HR) and Tax areas of our clients.

In financial terms, financial review preparation, along with standard day-to-day entries, intercompany reconciliations, planning and analysis, as well as regulatory compliance and reporting, are part of the items that are automated in companies.

Meanwhile, in HR, employee data and benefits, expense analytics and reporting, as well as expense, reimbursement and requirements management, among others, are also factors that can be left to Smart Automation. As well as e Filing, document management and data validation and entry, in the area of Taxes.

In short, Intelligent Automation is transforming the way we do business and enabling us to better serve our customers.

If you would like to connect with one of our executives to learn more about Anida's services and products, please click on the following link

Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation

Cyber incidents caused by the "human factor" are often attributed to occasional employee error, but a more important element is often overlooked: deliberate malicious behavior by staff.

The leak contains user data from LinkedIn, Twitter, Weibo, Tencent and other platforms, is almost certainly the largest ever discovered.

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