
SOC service integration.

Institution dedicated to the payment of pensions and benefits to retired personnel of the Armed Forces.


The client needs to have threat monitoring and filtering covered. In addition, it was urgent to have a technological renewal of the security equipment, which was entering a stage of obsolescence. This implementation and adoption project had to be carried out, with monthly reports, in order to generate great value to the service.

SOC service integration


Integration of this service to Anida's SOC, which has a group of engineers dedicated to monitoring threats, blocking them and providing timely service to the client; in addition to working with a powerful tool such as SEIM (Security Event and Information Management).

SOC service integration

SOC service integration

SOC service integration

By way of conclusion, the article "Integration of SOC services: Anida Latam's success" highlights how the company managed to improve the security of its IT infrastructure by integrating SOC (Security Operations Center) services into its security strategy.

One of the main conclusions of the article is that the integration of SOC services is essential to ensure the security of the IT infrastructure. A SOC is an operations center that constantly monitors and analyzes IT infrastructure security events and takes action to prevent, detect and respond to threats.

In the case of Anida Latam, the integration of SOC services allowed them to detect and prevent threats more effectively and improve the response to security incidents. In addition, the integration of SOC services allowed them to improve communication and collaboration between the different security and IT teams.

Another important conclusion of the article is that SOC service integration is an ongoing process that requires a holistic approach and a thorough understanding of the IT infrastructure and security threats. It is important to keep in mind that security threats are constantly evolving, so it is necessary to constantly update and adapt SOC services to maintain the security of the IT infrastructure.

In addition, the article highlights the importance of collaboration and communication between different security and IT teams in the SOC service integration process. Effective SOC service integration requires a thorough understanding of the IT infrastructure and the ability to work as a team to identify and prevent security threats.

In summary, SOC service integration is essential to ensure the security of the IT infrastructure. Effective SOC service integration requires a holistic approach and a thorough understanding of the IT infrastructure and security threats. It is an ongoing process that requires constant updating and adaptation to maintain IT infrastructure security. SOC service integration also requires effective collaboration and communication between different security and IT teams. Overall, SOC service integration can help companies protect their IT infrastructure and mitigate security threats.



It is valuable for the client to have an integrated security service, which has generated reliability and agility in managing events in a timely manner.

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